Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Little Things I Do

How often in the rush of the day, do we really stop and look at what we are really doing.  Do we see that our Boss is struggling with something at home and really could use the day off, but instead they are here at work because some one called in or needs to be there to make sure things get done the way they should.  Do we see the tears in the women's eyes who is ringing up my produce because she just lost a dear friend, but instead we are getting irritated because for the second time she just rung some thing up twice.  Or do we see the longing of a child who is need of Love.
I am often in a hurry to recognize these small things in front me.  I want to just get done so I can go accomplish the next thing on my list of to do's.  But if I could personally just slow down and look at the things going on around me, I am sure I could see the small things. The things that I could do to change some ones day. We often hear a hug, a simple hello, and even a bright smile will do.  But can we even do more.  A note of encouragement, make some one laugh, compliment them in a genuine way, and one thing I really tried to do yesterday was show how much I appreciated what some one was doing.  
That cashier, the one in front of you ringing up your groceries doing the job you are glad you don't have to do any more because you hated being on your feet all day, and the costumers were so rude, too busy talking on the phone, and didn't even notice you and you wished they would just smile and say high.  All of sudden you realize that you are the person your thinking about.  Think to your self "I can change this, every day from now on".  I can be the person I want everyone else to be.  The kind, caring, loving, helpful, and comforting person that can change a persons day.  
Here is a great song to help inspire us to change the world in the little things we do. 

"How to change the world" by Newboys
What are some of the small things that people could do to help you through your day?

Under His WIngs

Many years ago in the National Geographic Magazine this story was shared, and what an eye opening story that gives hope in those moments of discouragement and hopelessness. 

"After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park ,  forest rangers
began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's  damage.

One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched 

statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat
sickened  by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.
When he gently  struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under
their dead mother's  wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of
impending disaster, had  carried her offspring to the base of the
tree and had gathered them  under her wings, instinctively knowing
that the toxic smoke would  rise.

She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon  her
babies. Then the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her
small body, the mother had remained steadfast ...because she had
been willing to die, so those under the cover of her wings would  live.

'He will cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings  you will find refuge.'"
(Psalm 91:4)

I know he is there protecting me in the times I need it the most and in times I don't recognize His arms protecting me. He is there doing the same for you! 
I think often times it would be easier for him to protect me if I would stop fighting him, thinking that I don't really need help that I can do this on my own.  

Oh, how I need to remember that I will always need help, a guiding arm to show me the direction I need to take.   

Monday, May 9, 2016

Greater Blessings

 I have had to start learning this over the last couple of years that God can't help me and give me those blessing unless I believe in him, believe that he provides blessings, and that I am worthy or even deserving of those blessings.  I also have had to learn to recognize the blessings I do have and that I am getting every day.  
By the end of the day, many times this week and especially today, all I can think of our even tell my husband is how rough it was,  what went wrong, or how I can't wait till the day is over.  I am sure we have all been there at one point or another.   But I need to stop doing that, I need to let my husband come home and not worry how stressful my day was or tell him about every thing that went wrong.  I really need to just tell him of the good things that I got done.  
"Hon, I managed to get 2 loads of laundry done and I also got the kids room cleaned and organized with 5 boxes of stuff to go to DI ( a local thrift store run by our Church)."  Much better then what I really did.  And it so much easier to write this down and know that after I did it, and sitting here when it is quiet.  Kids in bed and knowing that my time to hit the pillow is only a short time away.  
I am amazed at the blessings I do have, I really do.  I have an amazing Husband who supports me in almost every thing I choose to do.  Four wonderful children that have been entrusted into my arms each day.  Awesome parents who teach me still each day.  Friends that are always by my side when needed, to laugh,  cry, and love me.  Roof over my head, Food to eat, and most important I have some thing to live for.  
What are some of the blessing you have had today?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Never Talk Defeat

What words inspire you to do better?  To keep going?

For me words such as:  Strength, Uplift, Love, Strong, Hope, Faith, Victory, Support, Nurture, Better, Kindness, Important, Special, and Precious.  These words drive me to who I want to be.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What Are Words - ft. Peter & Evynne Hollens - ThePianoGuys

I absolutely love the influence of uplifting music.  Just like having
enthusiastic friends who can help take my worries and struggles away so
can powerful music.  It can give me hope, peace, and the ability to
continue to go on.  It gives me the ability to face the almost constant
fighting of my kids of late, the stress of where the world is going, and
takes them away even for a short time.  Never underestimate its powers
to do good.

I love this song and
why is was written.  Peter and Evynne Hollens sing "What are Words" so wonderfully, but there isn't anything quiet like the original artist. :) Chris Medina wrote this song "What Are Words" for his Fiance after a
serious car accident left her with a Traumatic brain injury.  What an

The lyrics "Anywhere you are, I am near

Anywhere you go, I'll be there

Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see

How every single promise I'll keep

'Cause what kind of guy would I be

If I was to leave when you need me most.

What are words

If you really don't mean them

When you say them.

Then that's all"  speaks wonders.  This can be applied to all of us in all
our relationships.  I hope that those that know me, know that I will
always be there  when they need me most. 

Enthusiasm and why we need it

I am often not the most enthusiastic person in the world.  I am rather shy, I use to not mind being left alone to do my own thing away from the crowd, but now I find I crave that type of surroundings (at least to an extent).  I still like my alone time, but I find my self being drawn to that those who are enthusiastic.  I don't know if any of you have noticed but those who are enthusiastic in life have the ability to build you up, to make you smile and laugh.  What happens when you smile and laugh?  The things we may struggle with disappear for a short time and seem to be easier to cope with later.

I believe we each have had or are having blows in life that make us feel like we are hitting a breaking point.  This quote by Norman Peale has two meanings to me.

"Life's blows cannot break a person whose Spirit is warmed  at the Fire of enthusiasm."

One form of Enthusiasm, is what we usually think of.  Fun, joyful, and full of life.  So the first thing I thought of was if I can be enthused, full of joy and up beat I can conquer my struggle.  Well, as usual I started really thinking and saw how else this quote could apply for me.

I am a religious/spiritual person.  Yes, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Hopefully That does deter you from reading my blog or leaving your helpful insights as well.  I know it doesn't matter what religion we are to be good, helpful, and caring people.  Any way , because of my beliefs I try to go deeper, if possible to see how things I read can apply to them.

When we look back at what enthusiastic meant historically we can find that it was originally referred to a person possessed by a god.  I believe that could be the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead.  We believe the Holy ghost to be a separate being that will guide an inspire us. After knowing that I could look at this quote in this way.  If my spirit, soul, or mind is warmed at the fire of the Holy Ghost/Spirit we will be guided to get through our struggles and life's blows easier, we will make it past the breaking point.  What are your thought's?  How does this quote speak to you?

We can and will make it through our struggles with help.

You can do it?

I believe in You!